“We are the unexpected seeds, hustling for high impact.”
Alisée de Tonnac
Seedstars Santiago is a wrap!
If you missed the action, you’ll find the list of winning startups below and the event photos on our Facebook page.
If you don't want to wait until the next year to catch us again, please join us at one of the Regional Summits in November in Latam, Africa, Asia, MENA and CEE (we will be announcing the dates soon!) or the global in Lausanne, Switzerland next spring!
Mesa is a yield management platform for restaurants that helps them attract customers at off-peak times and maximize their revenue through …
Comunidad Feliz
ComunidadFeliz.com is a property management software, for financial planning, a payment channel for community fees and a social network for…
RECYLINK is the revolution in construction waste recycling, we are the online platform that connects construction project to recycling comp…
Bellas Shop
Datos Contextuales SpA
Innovaciones Agrapp
Cobrotech Spa
Nei Analytics
LISA Insurtech
Gustavo Anania
Gerente General @ Bolsa Emergente
Juan Pedro Montero
Business Leader @ INNSPIRAL
Sergio Nouvel
CEO @ GetOnBoard
Hernán Acuña
Manager Enel Innovation Hub Chile @ Enel Chile
Julio Jimenez
@ Centro de Innovación UC
José Luis Benavides
Jefe de Operaciones @ Socialab Ventures
Yanira Caraza
Event & Analyst Coordinator Latam @ Seedstars
Daniela Paz Gompertz
Ejecutiva Técnica Gerencia de Emprendimiento @ CORFO
2:00 - 2:15
Registration & Welcome
2:15 - 2:25
Welcome Word
2:25 - 3:10
22 Tips to Get Investment Ready
3:10 - 3:20
Short Break
3:20 - 4:05
The Art of Pitching
4:05 - 5:05
Group Mentoring
5:05 - 5:30
Networking Coffee
5:30 - 5:45
Finalists Announcement & Selfie Picture
6:00 - 8:30
Interview between finalists and Jury
The up to 8 finalists selected to pitch at the final event on the 29th of August will meet the jury in a 1:1 panel format. Each interview will have a length of an average 20 minutes.
2:30 - 3:00
Welcome Coffee & Registration
3:00 - 3:10
Seedstars Intro
3:10 - 3:25
Welcome Word
3:25 - 4:25
Pitch of Top 8 finalistas 3 min Pitch & 3 min Q&A
4:25 - 4:50
Talk + Q&A: Gustavo Anania, RedCapital
4:50 - 5:30
Seedstars Family Selfie - Winner announcement
Centro de Innovación UC: Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile