
29 June 2018

“We are the unexpected seeds, hustling for high impact.”

Alisée de Tonnac







Seedstars Harare is a wrap!

Seedstars Harare is a wrap! If you missed the action, you’ll find the list of winning startups below and the event photos on our Facebook page.

If you don't want to wait until the next year to catch us again, please join us at one of the Regional Summits in December in Latam, Africa, Asia, MENA and CEE(we will be announcing the dates soon!) or the global Seedstars Summit in Lausanne, Switzerland next spring!

The winners

Rera online farm logo

Rera online farm

Rera is a platform that enables retail consumers to farm their own chickens and save up to 40% from buying poultry produce. From procuremen…

Startups Competing

Wellnescript Solutions logo

Wellnescript Solutions

Leaph logo


Futuremed logo


ParcelTip logo


Justice Today logo

Justice Today

Vote Africa logo

Vote Africa

Renewable Loop Private Limited logo

Renewable Loop Private Limited

YouFarm logo



Global Partner

Local organizer

Local partner


Tefo Mohapi

CEO @ iAfrikan

Nanjira Sambuli

Digital Equality Advocacy Manager @ World Wide Web Foundation

Tadzoka Pswarayi

Co Founder at Impact Hub Harare @ Impact Hub Harare

Vusumuzi Mkhwananzi

Co-Founder @ myRunner

Eldrid Jordaan

Founder and Chief Executive @ GovChat

Munyaradzi Dodo

Editor @ Open Parly ZW


Lorraine Charlotte Bgoya

Community Manager @ Motorepublik

Jackie Hussein

Managing Consultant @ July 28

Constantine Nyanzero

Team Leader @ B2C Coworking

Irene Chikumbo

@ Act in Africa

Fanny Dauchez

Academy Manager @ hola

Vusumuzi Mkhwananzi

Co-Founder @ myRunner

Vuyisa Qabaka

Partner @ HYBR

Mutsa Kajese

Creative Director @ UbuntuLab

Thabani Mlilo

Speaker and Program Director @ UbuntuLab

Maryam Mgonja

Regional Partnerships Manager, Africa @ Test 2

Maimba Mapuranga


Tadzoka Pswarayi

Co Founder at Impact Hub Harare @ Impact Hub Harare


Sharon Wekwete

Consultant @ Luminate

Ethel Bangwayo

National Economist @ UNDP Zimbabwe

Claudia Makadristo

Regional Manager for Africa @ Seedstars World

Nhena Nyagura

Chief Executive Officer @ Dandemutande Investments

Lilian Mbayiwa

Senior Manager : Africa Marketing Strategy and Planning @


Bootcamp Day 1
June 26, 2018

8:30 - 9:00

Arrival & Coffee

9:00 - 9:15

Welcome Word

9:15 - 9:30

Ice breaker

9:30 - 9:50

Keynote: What is Coming out of Africa?

9:50 - 10:10

Keynote: From No Tech to High Tech

10:10 - 11:40

Workshop:Art of the Pitch

11:40 - 13:10

Workshop: Art of Communication

13:10 - 14:10


14:10 - 15:40

Workshop: Fundraising Strategy

15:40 - 16:10

Practice: Work on revising Pitch & Pitch Deck

16:10 - 18:10

Practice + Feedback: Pitch in Front of Audience and Seedstars Team + Feedback

Bootcamp Day 2
June 27, 2018

8:30 - 9:00

Arrival & Coffee

9:00 - 9:30

Welcome: team Building Exercise

9:30 - 11:00

Workshop: Talent Management

11:00 - 12:30

Workshop: Branding & Marketing

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:00

Workshop: Growth Hacking

15:00 - 18:00

"Practice + Feedback: 1:1 Mentorship with Mentors"

18:00 - 20:30

Seedstars Family BBQ

Seedstars Harare 2018
June 29, 2018

16:00 - 16:15

Arrival General Attendees

16:15 - 16:25

Kick Off /Welcome Speech

16:25 - 17:25

1st Pitching Session I ParcelTip I Leaph I YouFarm I Justice Today I Wellnescript Solutions

17:25 - 17:55

Panel Keynote: From No Tech to High Tech : Leveraging entrepreneurship and technology for communities and government

17:55 - 18:25

Break / Networking

18:25 - 19:25

2nd Pitching Session I Rera online farm I Futuremed I Renewable Loop Private Limited I Vote Africa

19:25 - 19:35

Keynote Seedstars Harare 2017 Winner

19:35 - 20:20

Break/Jury Deliberation

20:20 - 20:30

Announcement Winner


Impact Hub Harare: 194 Baines Ave, Harare